Mitchell Elementary School Addition

Location: Ames, Iowa
Completion Date: Fall 2021
Project Size: 11,987 sq. ft.
Abstract: We are excited to share an addition project at Mitchell Elementary in Ames. Completed in 2021 with the collaboration between RMH and Lang Construction Group, two additions were completed as a part of the project. Creating a lively space to maximize engagement with the student and staff is what we were tasked with when developing new classrooms.

This project is highlighted by two different additions totaling 11,987 sq. ft. Within both additions are multiple classrooms, activity spaces, and flex areas allowing for flexible programmed spaces. By adding to the building in the areas we did, we addressed the flow and connections throughout the building, making for an easy space to navigate and providing more space for a demanding need to expand.

Overall, this addition will play a part in creating a successful place for education in our local community. We are thrilled to be a part of the team to bring an updated space to a wonderful asset to the city of Ames.